To reduce the admin overhead in adding people and vehicles to CloudPass, you can bulk upload an initial list.
Download and open the bulk import Excel spreadsheet file attached to the bottom of this article. The spreadsheet is split into two tabs;
People & Vehicles
The People & Vehicles tab is used to add people, you can also associate a person with up to three vehicles.
For each person you wish to add, it is required to complete the following;
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
For each vehicle you wish to associate a person with, it is required to add the vehicle registration plate.
All other fields are optional (for example telephone number).
The vehicles tab is used to add vehicles that are not explicitly owned by an individual, for example, a company pool car, van etc.
For each vehicle you wish to associate a person with, it is required to add the vehicle registration plate.
Send the completed bulk import spreadsheet to your installer where we can arrange for this to be uploaded to your CloudPass account.